By signing up for SynQ, you accept our Privacy Policy and agree not to:
- Use our service to send spam or scam users.
- Will not create channels or communities with the intent to violate domestic trade laws.
- Promote violence on publicly viewable channels.
- Post illegal pornographic content on publicly viewable channels.
- We reserve the right to update these Terms of Service later.
- Engage in hate speech in public forums.
- Content published to SynQ, SynQ UP, SynQ TEAM or SynQ EDU will not be misconstrued as financial advice.
- Actions taken from any and all information, data, conversations, or otherwise content are the sole responsibility of the user.
- SynQ, CSQ Holdings, and all employees are not liable in any way for actions taken from content published to any of the SynQ or CSQ Holdings platforms.
Citizens of EU countries and the United Kingdom must be at least 16 years of age to sign up. Citizens of the United States and Canada must be at least 13 years of age to sign up.